Geodesic Dome

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Reviews of our Geodesic Dome Kits

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Chicken Coop
Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Reviews of our Geodesic Dome Kits

Zip Tie Domes

Customer Reviews of our Geodesic Dome Kits

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Jennifer Stokes - 6 Year Review of our 13' Geodesic Chicken Coop Kit



Review from 2014

Here's a picture of my dome. As you can see, Penny, Amy and Bernadette, my 3 Black Australorps, are quite happy. I modified one of the panels to attach their tractor and I move this around the yard about once a month so they have plenty of fresh grass. I live in an urban area. The conditions of the "chicken permit" require the chickens be entirely enclosed at all times, so the dome was the perfect answer!

Thanks for an awesome kit and I am still telling anyone who will listen about your fabulous American ingenuity!

Jennifer Stokes

Jacksonville, FL



Review from 2020

John, it took me forever to get this done, but it's done!  I hope you are holding up well during the pandemic. 

I decided to fence the yard for the girls as I hadn't had any predator issues. The dome settled into the yard and the grass grew over it. I had to use a weed burner to break it loose! I added the concrete block to keep that from happening again and give me a bit more working height inside. I plan to backfill the block and plant vines so the dome gives them some good shade.

Your dome has been amazing! It's about 6 years old now and going strong! When I was moving the chickens, it was light enough for me to do by myself, even with the chicken wire on it.

Now that it's permanent, so to speak, I added hardware cloth at the bottom as we did have a raccoon attack last winter, but thankfully nothing since. The coop is in the side yard for now, but soon will be rejoined with the dome. This way, if I need to secure the chickens they can move between the coop and the dome safely. Otherwise, I leave the door in the dome open and they can access the whole yard.

I get all kinds of compliments when people come over on how novel and inventive the dome is.

Thanks for a such a great, American-made product!


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