Geodesic Dome

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Review of our 16' Geodesic Greenhouse Dome Kit

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Chicken Coop
Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Review of our 16' Geodesic Greenhouse Dome Kit

Zip Tie Domes

Customer Review of our 16' Geodesic Greenhouse Dome Kit

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Amie Uittenbogaard - Customer Review of our 16' Geodesic Greenhouse for a Festival Art Dome


Hello Zip Tie Domes!

I want to share with you how I've been using my Zip Tie Dome and how it has impacted my life.

I have created an art installation appropriately named The Doodle Dome. I have taken The Doodle Dome to multiple music festivals this summer.

I love how easy it is to construct and take down. And the fact that I can fit the whole thing fit into my Honda.

It has had a wonderful reaction from festival attendees from little kids to grown adults and everyone in between!

Thank you for your time! I have had so much fun using your product!


Amie Uittenbogaard
Nicholasville, KY




















How to Purchase This 16' Geodesic Dome Kit




This is part of the message I send to festival planners to get into the festival:
Inside the triangles of the dome are panels that have been painted with chalkboard paint. Using sidewalk chalk the festival goers have the opportunity to engage in turning the black panels of the geodome into a wonderful, magical, colorful work of community art. As the festival goes on, the onlookers and participants can watch as the geodome morphs into a vivid, multicolored installation. Festival goers can spend hours taking advantage of the many activities it has to offer.
The opportunity for festival goers to engage in a community art piece and express their creativity is the main usage goal. It gives people a chance to be apart of the art, rather than viewing it from the outside. A symbol of how a community can come together to take something dark and ominous and transform it into something beautiful. It also provides shade to beat the heat, a conversation circle, and a great meeting area. 
Ideally, I would like to receive some compensation for my art, but I will accept free admission and vending. I will provide all the chalk and other fun and safe mediums for the people to use (no permanent markers/harmful chemicals). No electricity is needed. I will provide the easy setup/ take down.

Please take some time to view these photos of The Doodle Dome:



To place an order online, visit our Online Catalog.

For a telephone order, call us at 1-931-858-6892.

Or, go to our Contact Us page to send us an email.

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